About Us

Conflict comics is a group of passionate artists and storytellers that are headed towards sharing real stories from the war fronts, war torn civilians and their deepest staggering memories.

A graphic novel from Afghanistan that casts a spotlight on a war which resulted in the death of 46,319 civilians, cost trillions $$$ of tax payers money, and saw the Taliban return to power months after international forces withdrew.

Conflict Comics are on a mission to tell Real War Stories. Through accurate, powerful visual images, and compelling narrative, readers gain an understanding of the reality of modern warfare. 

A non-profit organisation, we are dedicated to providing an income for Artists in conflict zones.

The novel is a collaboration between British and Afghan artists; beautiful illustrations, meticulous research, and expert political analysis, give readers a front row seat to an inaccessible war.

The debut project of Conflict Comics, a collective dedicated to telling real war stories.

The Creators


Steven Healer Writer

A British diplomat whose career focused on conflict resolution. Steven served as Head of Strategic Communications at Helmand Province Reconstruction Team; a military base in the South East of Afghanistan.

Narges Noori Artist

An associate professor at Kabul University, Faculty of Fine Arts. Narges wrote, and illustrated, books encouraging female empowerment; after the Taliban returned to power she hid for two years before emigrating to Alberta, Canada.

Dominic CulverwellArtist

An award winning illustrator, and journalist for the Kyiv Independent. Dominic explores the impact of conflict and war through personal storytelling, illustrations, and photography.


Set in Afghanistan’s deadliest province, “Helmand” interweaves true stories, with a satirical diplomats tale to provide a front row seat, to an inaccessible war

About the episode – Richard Walker, a drunk British diplomat, is arriving in Kabul for his first overseas posting. He’ll spend 11 months as Head of the Strategic Communications Team on a military base in South East Afghanistan.